
 Haskell Core Libraries (base package)ParentContentsIndex
Portability portable
Stability experimental
The Dynamic type
Converting to and from Dynamic
Applying functions of dynamic type
Concrete Type Representations
Building concrete type representations

The Dynamic interface provides basic support for dynamic types.

Operations for injecting values of arbitrary type into a dynamically typed value, Dynamic, are provided, together with operations for converting dynamic values into a concrete (monomorphic) type.

data Dynamic
toDyn :: (Typeable a) => a -> Dynamic
fromDyn :: (Typeable a) => Dynamic -> a -> a
fromDynamic :: (Typeable a) => Dynamic -> Maybe a
dynApply :: Dynamic -> Dynamic -> Maybe Dynamic
dynApp :: Dynamic -> Dynamic -> Dynamic
class Typeable a where
typeOf :: a -> TypeRep
data TypeRep
data TyCon
mkTyCon :: String -> TyCon
mkAppTy :: TyCon -> [TypeRep] -> TypeRep
mkFunTy :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> TypeRep
applyTy :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> Maybe TypeRep
The Dynamic type
data Dynamic

A value of type Dynamic is an object encapsulated together with its type.

A Dynamic may only represent a monomorphic value; an attempt to create a value of type Dynamic from a polymorphically-typed expression will result in an ambiguity error (see toDyn).

Showing a value of type Dynamic returns a pretty-printed representation of the object's type; useful for debugging.

Show Dynamic
Typeable Dynamic
Converting to and from Dynamic
toDyn :: (Typeable a) => a -> Dynamic

Converts an arbitrary value into an object of type Dynamic.

The type of the object must be an instance of Typeable, which ensures that only monomorphically-typed objects may be converted to Dynamic. To convert a polymorphic object into Dynamic, give it a monomorphic type signature. For example:

    toDyn (id :: Int -> Int)
:: (Typeable a)
=> Dynamic the dynamically-typed object
-> a a default value
-> a returns: the value of the first argument, if it has the correct type, otherwise the value of the second argument.
Converts a Dynamic object back into an ordinary Haskell value of the correct type. See also fromDynamic.
:: (Typeable a)
=> Dynamic the dynamically-typed object
-> Maybe a returns: Just a, if the dyanmically-typed object has the correct type (and a is its value), or Nothing otherwise.
Converts a Dynamic object back into an ordinary Haskell value of the correct type. See also fromDyn.
Applying functions of dynamic type
dynApply :: Dynamic -> Dynamic -> Maybe Dynamic
dynApp :: Dynamic -> Dynamic -> Dynamic
Concrete Type Representations
This section is useful if you need to define your own instances of Typeable.
class Typeable a where
The class Typeable allows a concrete representation of a type to be calculated.
typeOf :: a -> TypeRep
Takes a value of type a and returns a concrete representation of that type. The value of the argument should be ignored by any instance of Typeable, so that it is safe to pass undefined as the argument.
Typeable Exception
Typeable IOException
Typeable ArithException
Typeable ArrayException
Typeable AsyncException
(Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (ST a b)
(Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (Array a b)
(Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (UArray a b)
(Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable c) => Typeable (STArray a b c)
(Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable c) => Typeable (STUArray a b c)
(Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (IOArray a b)
(Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (IOUArray a b)
(Typeable a) => Typeable (Complex a)
(Typeable a) => Typeable [a]
Typeable ()
(Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (a, b)
(Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable c) => Typeable (a, b, c)
(Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable c, Typeable d) => Typeable (a, b, c, d)
(Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable c, Typeable d, Typeable e) => Typeable (a, b, c, d, e)
(Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (a -> b)
Typeable Bool
Typeable Char
Typeable Float
Typeable Double
Typeable Int
Typeable Integer
(Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (Either a b)
(Typeable a) => Typeable (IO a)
(Typeable a) => Typeable (Maybe a)
Typeable Ordering
Typeable Handle
(Typeable a) => Typeable (Ptr a)
(Typeable a) => Typeable (StablePtr a)
Typeable Int8
Typeable Int16
Typeable Int32
Typeable Int64
Typeable Word8
Typeable Word16
Typeable Word32
Typeable Word64
Typeable TyCon
Typeable TypeRep
Typeable Dynamic
(Typeable a) => Typeable (IORef a)
Typeable PackedString
(Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (STRef a b)
Typeable CChar
Typeable CSChar
Typeable CUChar
Typeable CShort
Typeable CUShort
Typeable CInt
Typeable CUInt
Typeable CLong
Typeable CULong
Typeable CLLong
Typeable CULLong
Typeable CFloat
Typeable CDouble
Typeable CLDouble
Typeable CPtrdiff
Typeable CSize
Typeable CWchar
Typeable CSigAtomic
Typeable CClock
Typeable CTime
(Typeable a) => Typeable (ForeignPtr a)
(Typeable a) => Typeable (StableName a)
(Typeable a) => Typeable (Weak a)
Building concrete type representations
data TypeRep
A concrete representation of a (monomorphic) type. TypeRep supports reasonably efficient equality.
Show TypeRep
Typeable TypeRep
data TyCon
An abstract representation of a type constructor. TyCon objects can be built using mkTyCon.
Eq TyCon
Show TyCon
Typeable TyCon
:: String the name of the type constructor (should be unique in the program, so it might be wise to use the fully qualified name).
-> TyCon A unique TyCon object

Builds a TyCon object representing a type constructor. An implementation of Data.Dynamic should ensure that the following holds:

  mkTyCon "a" == mkTyCon "a"

NOTE: GHC's implementation is quite hacky, and the above equation does not necessarily hold. For defining your own instances of Typeable, try to ensure that only one call to mkTyCon exists for each type constructor (put it at the top level, and annotate the corresponding definition with a NOINLINE pragma).

mkAppTy :: TyCon -> [TypeRep] -> TypeRep
Applies a type constructor to a sequence of types
mkFunTy :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> TypeRep
A special case of mkAppTy, which applies the function type constructor to a pair of types.
applyTy :: TypeRep -> TypeRep -> Maybe TypeRep
Applies a type to a function type. Returns: Just u if the first argument represents a function of type t -> u and the second argument represents a function of type t. Otherwise, returns Nothing.
Produced by Haddock version 0.4